Hoshi ni Negaiwo (Wish Upon a Star)
To me, a cross means fellowship. When something interacts with something else, a new value is created. Heaven and earth, past and present, East and West, one person and another, one thing and another; in all things, when there is meeting and communion, a new value emerges, and this work aims to convey that. When someone looks at this artwork and sees a cross, they are shown diversity and change. You might say it’s a piece of prayer for creation. Of course, even though it’s good that it’s a symbol for prayer, in the end interpretation is up to the viewer. The star pattern in the background is drawn from millennia-old astrology. Wishing upon a star is a form of prayer that remains unchanged since ancient times, and will surely be around long into the future.
Memory of a blue prayer.
People 1,000 years ago, we in the present, and people 1,000 years from now
all look to the stars and offer up a precious prayer for someone.
January 2018
Karakami Artist Toto Akihiko