Hikari no Kokyokyoku (Symphony of Light)
Karakami sets the scene for prayer.
Karakami to me is the beautiful scenery where the gods who encapsulate all the wishes and stories of the people dwell.
You can also say that karakami is the culture of light.
The ultimate beauty of karakami lies in the radiating silence of the flickering shadows.
The moment I met Sugawara Ichigo and saw his still photographs with their quiet presence, I knew intuitively that he was something special.
He expressed a desire to collaborate shortly after, and it required absolutely no thought on my part to agree enthusiastically.
In this collaborative work there is a world of sound played by a world of prayer that goes beyond pride and intention. Those who look upon the symphony of light made up of the photographs and karakami will surely sense the sound of light dwelling in the silence.
Spring 2017
Karakami Artist Toto Akihiko